sisters in blue at red rocks open space family session

What to Consider Before a Portrait Session

Kansas City Photographer

Here it is. What to Consider Before a Portrait Session. I get asked all the time on what to wear, what time is best, what locations for your session work best and there are countless options. So I created this to help answer some questions on what to wear, when to have your session, and where to have it. Pintrest is also the main source I go to when looking for inspiration on outfit ideas!

What time is best for my session?

Assuming the weather is alright outside there are some key things to think about when taking time out of your week for a scheduled session.

When the sun is at an angle.

  • This can mean early morning before 10 a.m. or 5-7 right before the sun is gone. The reason for this is you can create amazing natural light photos you might not be able to get when the sun is at high noon and we are all squinting. Does that mean it’s the ONLY time to shoot? No.
  • I’m a professional. I can photograph at any time. But, if you want to shoot at 12. There will be some location or lighting restrictions. Which helps me go into my next tip.
locations for your portrait session like a lake

What location is best for my session?

If the time of day has already be agreed upon we can talk about locations. If you need to be photographed at 10 a.m. on a Saturday then the city market location is probably out. Unless you want tons of people in your photographs with you. Choosing a location is another piece in your puzzle that helps us create your one of a kind look and feel from your session.

What do you like?

  • I have my favorite locations but they may not be yours. If you want to have rolling grass and weeping willows in your images then downtown is out. I’ll help come up with ideas if you let me know what look you are going for.
Family Session at red rocks open space colorado springs

What do I wear?

Clothes can make or break your session. Are they the most important? No. but wearing clothes that aren’t comfortable or not flattering can result in photographs you won’t like. This is where I get the most questions and it’s also where I have the most tips but I’ll try to be brief. My best advice for clothes during a family, engagement, or solo session is in the following.

Wear clothes that fit you properly and you feel good in.

  • I love dressing up every now and again too but if it’s obvious that I don’t wear skirts and heals regularly, I won’t wear them for pictures. The way you feel will come across your face and you won’t love the end result. I know. I’ve been there.

Wear a combination of solids if not all solids.

  • Solids will always be in style. I love chevron as much as anyone else but huge patterns can stick out in an image a little too much with you want the focus of the image to be on your face

sleeve options on what looks great for a photography session


  • Depending on your session, most of the time I recommend sleeves. At least quarter sleeves.
  • You know if you look good in it. Remember I will have you on the ground and leaning quite a bit so don’t wear anything you’re going to be pulling on half the time.


  • Jeans are great! The tears and stained jeans can stay home. Unless it’s a senior photo session and that’s just really your style, I’d shy away. I prefer medium to dark shade pants in most scenarios.
  • Skirts can be a blessing or a curse. You will need to sit on the ground in your skirt and having a mini skirt is going to be awkward.


  • Keep em covered. yes we could do a maternity session where you have no shoes on and that’s totally fine. I just mean keep the flip flops at home.
  • Tennis shoes. Just don’t. If you have an option to stay away from tied up tennis shoes you’ll be much happier with your photos. Trust me.


  • Diamonds are a girls best friend until they are a distraction in my photo. I love statement jewelry. It can add personality and an extra punch if needed. However you can overdue anything. Even your jewelry.
  • Try to color coordinate it you can.

To get more amazing advice from me and schedule a session go to my contact page!