Ideal Wedding Timline

As a photographer it’s my job to capture a beautiful wedding day. However it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s normally the photographers setting the schedules for the day. I’ve said it a million times that if there is no wedding planner, it’s usually the photographer. I’m all up for photographing the day as it unfolds without intercepting BUT I know how long it’ll take for things to happen throughout the day and I want to make sure my couples aren’t rushed. This timeline includes a first look for the couple. It’s not mandatory but it does help ensure that portraits won’t be rushed and you can get to your reception much faster. I’ve made or helped with a ton of schedules for wedding days and this is my ideal wedding timeline.

Rings, Shoes, Flowers, Details

savannah wedding photography details simply grace photography

Time: 45 min

30 minutes minimum is needed but 45 is the sweet spot for details. Usually taking place in the small areas you wouldn’t think to look in the preparation areas. I instruct my couples to have all details ready to go before I arrive. Dresses, rings, jewelry, shoes, all need to be out of bags or boxes so my first 15 minutes isn’t spent finding these items. During this time the bridesmaids are usually finishing up their make and hair as the bride is getting her hair completed.

Not all detail shots can be done in the rooms. Sometimes it’s necessary to take items out into open areas to photograph and the results are stunning!


savannah wedding photography getting ready simply grace photography

Time: 60 min

Having an hour for this is ideal for us. During this time we get images of the bride and groom relaxing with their bridal party and as they are getting dressed. The first shooter is with the bride and the second shooter will be with the groom. If the two locations are close together the first shooter will go grab some time with the groomsmen as well. It may seem like a lot of time to give to just hanging out but remember these are the relaxing moments of the day hanging with your friends. No need to rush.

First Look and Couples First Session Alone

Time: 45-60 min

I respect and understand the wish for the bride and groom not to see each other before the ceremony but you can’t deny you get beautiful moments with a first look. The groom doesn’t have to fight his gaze passed everyones phones in the aisle as his bride makes her entrance. Nor does he need to check his emotion in front of everyone. Let’s be honest… they do. So I love first looks not only for their time they save, but also for the moments shared between the two.

After the first look is complete, we do your first session alone as well as bridal portraits and groom portraits.

Ideal Location – Somewhere with great open light. If it’s outside, shaded areas are best. I try to pick a place not overly crowded since this is meant to be a precious moment.

Wedding Party

savannah wedding photography wedding party simply grace photography

Time: 30-45 min

Now this is where stuff starts to pick up. We shoot the group together and then branch off as the first shooter takes the ladies and the second shooter photographs the guys.

Ideal Location – Places that have multiple great locations close to one another.

Immediate Family

savannah wedding photography ideal timeline

Time: 20-30 min

This usually includes parents, siblings, children, and grandparents. I have done full family before and it’s worked out great. Just know each grouping will take about 3-5 minutes each.

Ceremony Details

Time: 30min

Please allocate 30 minutes for one of the photographers to photograph the venue and ceremony location without the guests being present. This can be done while other portraits are being done as long as both photographers are not needed.

Extended Family

savannah wedding photography ideal timeline extended family simply grace photography

Time: 30-40min

This can be done before or after the ceremony. If it’s done before, it needs to start an hour before the ceremony so guests will not see the bride before and ruin her big reveal. Since it’s more difficult to get everyone to the church on time it’s easier to have these after the ceremony. If this list of extended VIP’s is rather long, recommend having a list printed out and helpers from the wedding to help identify needed bodies.

Couples Session

Time: 45-60 min

Usually taken during cocktail hour as most of the photos have already been taken. This is where we have time to explore and take advantage of the beautiful after/evening glow we’ve been given.

Reception Details

savannah wedding photography reception details simply grace photography

Time: 20-30 min

This I prefer to be done before any guests enter the room so a wide shot can be taken of the atmosphere. A first look for the couple to see the room would also work great here. In my opinion it’s a shame when the bride and groom don’t get the see the reception area until it’s packed with people.

Night Session

Time: 20-30 min

During the open dance segments of the reception, I grab the bride and groom to get some really great dramatic shots. I completely understand the need to greet all your guests but please understand this is the ideal time when we can get those amazing night time shots we know you are wanting.

For more tips or if you have any questions, fill free to contact me!