Engagement Session at Lookout Mountain

This Engagement Session at Lookout Mountain was amazing! It was the first time any of us had been there and there were so many great locations to shoot at. We kept it to two spots. Both spots were no more than 5-minute car ride from each other. Kristen and Jeremiah were definitely cold in the shade, and I couldn’t blame them. I get to be bundled in pretty much a snow suit and they have to act like it’s 60 degrees. But as you can see, they had enough fun with the belly laughs to keep them warm.

engagement session at sunset near lookout mountain with simply grace photography
ring shot at engagement session
backlight of engagement couple on lookout mountain
walking in the snow at lookout mountain
romantic posing for engagement session at lookout mountain
black and white kiss at lookout mountain with simply grace photography

This might be my favorite shot of this session!

champagne toast at lookout mountain during engagement session
couple walking in green dress at lookout mountain in winter
kissing in the snow and green dress at lookout mountain engagement session